The PhD Programme in Computer Science

Applications are invited from candidates with good first degrees in computer science, engineering, physics, maths, biology, neuroscience or other relevant disciplines to join projects as research students. Projects are available for PhD students (three years full time, six years part time) and for MSc by Research students (one year full time, two years part time).

Funded PhD projects

Adaptive Systems Research Group

Biocomputation Research Group

Cybersecurity  and Computing Systems  Research Group

Robotics Research  Group

We are also happy to accept applications for self-funded projects and recommend that you discuss your proposed research with a member of academic staff at the University of Hertfordshire before submitting your application. Please name this staff member when submitting your application. Applications for projects that are not listed above should include an outline research proposal.

Find out more about our current research in Computer Science at the University and links to individual staff web pages.

For informal enquiries email Professor Volker Steuber

A limited number of studentships are available for exceptional candidates in particular areas (£19,200 per annum bursary plus the payment of the student fees). Applicants from inside and outside the UK are eligible.

Research in Computer Science at the University of Hertfordshire has been recognised as excellent in REF 2021, with 90% of the research submitted and all of the research impact rated as internationally excellent or world leading.

The University of Hertfordshire provides a very stimulating environment, offering a large number of specialised and interdisciplinary seminars as well as general training and researcher development opportunities. The University is situated in Hatfield, in the green belt just north of London.

How to apply

Download the application form

Please note: You must download the application form to your computer before you complete it. If you complete the form in the browser window, the information you have entered may be lost when the form is saved

Please email the application form to

Applications should also include two references and transcripts of previous academic degrees. We accept applications for self-funded places throughout the year.

The next short-listing process for studentship applications will begin in May 2025.