UH Arts + Culture operates separate programming policies for its exhibitions and live art programmes. Unsolicited exhibition proposals in all art-forms are welcome, and are divided into 2 sections:

  • Live Arts
  • Visual Arts

Proposals can be submitted by email to uharts@herts.ac.uk

Live Arts proposals

UH Arts + Culture's Live Arts programme presents events in non-traditional spaces across the University campuses and in local community spaces.

Proposals are welcomed from professional performing arts companies (or individuals) wishing to present projects for inclusion in UH Arts + Culture's Live Arts programme. We consider proposals which engage with our University and local community, and those in which our students can participate as interns, production assistants or performers.

Proposals are assessed on a rolling basis. We are willing to consider a range of funding models to optimise outcomes for UH Arts + Culture and the professional performing arts companies we engage with, to provide the best artistic outcomes for our audiences.

Visual Arts proposals

UH Arts + Culture's Visual Arts programme is planned 2-3 years in advance and comprises a range of exhibitions, events and interventions taking place at the Art and Design Gallery on the College Lane campus and at St Albans Museum + Gallery.

We are interested in group and solo proposals from practising artists and artist collectives. We also welcome proposals from potential partner galleries seeking collaboration on touring projects. Past collaborations have included Cornerhouse, Manchester; The New Art Gallery, Walsall; Focal Point, Southend-on-Sea and Impressions Gallery, Bradford.

We are particularly interested in proposals which examine Hatfield and St Albans as locations for innovative contemporary practice, and in proposals which engage with our exhibition spaces. Projects where our students can become involved and gain professional experience as interns, assistant producers and/or participants are also particularly sought after.

Initial proposals should be:

  • no longer than 1 side of A4 in length (plus, where relevant, up to 2 lead artists’ CVs)
  • accompanied by up to 10 (clearly labelled) images.

Visual Arts proposals are assessed on a 2-yearly basis by the UH Arts + Culture Advisory Group. Any indications of potential funding sources (which we would expect to be sourced by the applicant artist, gallery or group) will strengthen submitted proposals.

Please note: UH Arts + Culture does not hire its exhibition spaces commercially to community groups or schools etc.

Finally, we have a limited number of exhibition slots available for unsolicited proposals, and competition is intense. Submission of a proposal does not guarantee that it will be accepted as part of our exhibition programme.

Good luck with your proposal!

Any queries?

Contact us by phone on 01707 285395 or send an email to uharts@herts.ac.uk if you have any queries about artistic proposals. We look forward to hearing from you.