Archaeology in Hertfordshire
Editor: Kris Lockyear
Price: £20 (free postage)
“This is an excellent volume, produced to very high standards and consistently well-written, wearing its undoubted learning lightly. It is pitched at interested members of the public, and many of the contributors propose and develop really interesting ideas, while also providing excellent methodological sections which constitute very good introductions to topics such as geophysical survey, ridge and furrow, and Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating for pottery. The text is complemented by a large number of good quality images (enlivened by one of a digger who appears to be naked!). This is... a volume which I really enjoyed reading, whose case studies I found interesting and whose ideas deserve a wide readership.”
About the book
“This volume is copiously illustrated with line drawings, supplemented by a section of colour plates, and the production is of a very high standard.” Celia Gould, Friends Forum
Hertfordshire has a rich heritage of archaeology and of archaeological research. The Iron Age remains at St Albans, Wheathampstead and Braughing are well-known, as are the Roman town of Verulamium and the villa sites at Lockleys, Dicket Mead and Park Street.
The heritage of other periods is less well-known, although recent research, originally by local groups such as the Welwyn Archaeological Society (WAS) and more recently by professional field units in advance of development, is filling in the gaps.
ISBN: 978-1-909291-42-3 Format: Paperback, 384pp Published: Sep 2015
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