About the book
Imagine being able to handle whatever life throws at you with ease.
Our habits, which help form our personality, undermine our ability to rise to new challenges. Most of our actions are based on old behavioural patterns so instead of coming up with new strategies, we're stuck on autopilot. And the more fixed our personality is, the harder we find it to adapt to change or to the new.
No wonder we often feel overwhelmed, unhappy or stressed.
We all have a far greater range of behaviours at our disposal than we realise but we limit our life by using just 1/10th of our personality. The other 9/10ths of our tools for life lie dormant in our brain's toolbox. flex will show you how to start using them.
ISBN: 978-1-907396-54-0 Format: Paperback, 184pp Published: Jan 2012
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