West Midlands Publications

This new series aims to publish scholarly, attractive, well-illustrated and accessible studies on the history of the English West Midlands, a region which broadly encompasses the historic counties of Derbyshire, Herefordshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire and Worcestershire. The history of the area cannot only be understood within the confines of county boundaries, so placing local and regional studies, where relevant, within the histories of other regions, Great Britain and the wider world is important.

The West Midlands has a rich and varied past from prehistoric and medieval times to the twenty-first century. We are keen to encourage publications which explore, for example, aspects of rural and urban history, agriculture and industry, intellectual and cultural themes and the study of women, children, ethnic communities, politics, social classes, landscapes and buildings.

Books in the series will include individual monographs, collected essays and conference proceedings. They will be written by specialist researchers, who are experts in their field. The publications will focus on aspects of regional history which are not only of interest to local people, but also engage with debates, subjects and themes which are relevant to the wider community of historians within and outside universities and heritage organisations.

West Midlands Publications are available from all good bookshops as well as from online retailers and direct from UH Press.

Books to explore

  • Moseley 1850–1900

    Author: Janet Berry

    Format: Paperback

    By the first decades of the twentieth century Moseley had become part of the metropolis of Birmingham. This engaging account of the process from village to fully integrated suburb will be of particular interest to urban historians.

    £16.99 (free postage)

  • Gardens and Green Spaces in the West Midlands since 1700

    Editor: Malcolm Dick , Elaine Mitchell

    Format: Paperback

    With maps, plans and illustrations, this is a volume of important scholarship that places the West Midlands at the heart of landscape history

    £16.99 (free postage)

  • The Birmingham Parish Workhouse, 1730–1840

    Author: Chris Upton

    Format: Paperback

    This book is the first attempt to write a history of the workhouse and the ancillary welfare provision for Birmingham, frequently referred to as the ‘Old Poor Law’.

  • The Industrious Child Worker

    Author: Mary Nejedly

    Format: Paperback

    Child Labour and Childhood in Birmingham and the West Midlands, 1750–1900