A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
naive, naively, naivety
no accent
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, but no need to spell out
national anthem
National Audit Office
NAO or audit office after first mention
national curriculum
National Grid
transmits gas as well as electricity
National Health Service
but NHS or health service is normally sufficient
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
Nice after first mention
national lottery
one word, whether adjective or adverb: the nearby pub; the pub nearby
newspaper titles
the Guardian, the Observer, the New York Times, etc, do not write "the Sun newspaper", etc: people know what you mean
veil that covers the face apart from the eyes
Nobel prize
a Nobel prize winner, a Nobel prize-winning author, etc
no one
not no-one
north London, north Wales, north-west England, the north-west, etc
not nosey
notebook, notepaper
North America
National Student Survey.
Use numerics, unless the number starts a sentence: "There were 99 red balloons", or "Ninety-nine red balloons..."
Use words for approximations. For example, 'Around two thousand international students study here' rather than 'Around 2,000 international students study here'.
Hyphenate written numbers, for example, 'twenty-one' rather than 'twenty one'.
Use commas to clarify numbers with 4 or more digits, for example, '2,300' rather than '2300'.
National Union of Students.