Collaborative Partnership Leaders

Collaborative Partnership Leaders (CPL) are members of University of Hertfordshire staff directly linked with Herts franchised and externally validated programmes.  During the life of the programme, they regularly visit the partner institution and provide both an ongoing University oversight of the programme, as well as a link for the partner to feed back to the University.  Further guidance on the role of the CPL can be found in the Collaborative Partnerships Handbook (available for University staff on the CAQA HertsHub site under the heading 'Collaborative Arrangements) or, for CPLs for the Hertfordshire Higher Education Consortium, in the Consortium Quality Handbook (PDF - 1.15 Mb) (it should be noted that the CPL arrangements for the Hertfordshire Higher Education Consortium differ slightly from those in place at other collaborative partners).  CPLs are covered by UPR AS17 Section D7.

Main purpose of the role

The University of Hertfordshire delegates responsibility for assuring and enhancing the quality of students’ learning experience, and assuring the standard of awards, to Schools.  A key role for this work is that of the Collaborative Partnership Leader appointed within Schools for each collaborative programme.  The Collaborative Partnership Leader is the key contact and main academic link along with the Programme Leader (or equivalent) and other appropriate staff in the partner organisation to help ensure that students who study outside of the University have an equivalent experience to those who study at Herts. They are also a key factor in bringing information back to the Herts, to assure the University that quality and standards at a partner organisation are appropriate but as well to learn from the partners through their best practice.

CAQA have developed good practice principles for Collaborative Partnership Leaders, which can be found here:

CPL Good Practice Principles

As a member of academic staff within a School/Department, the Collaborative Partnership Leader will be responsible and accountable to a Dean of the School (or other manager e.g. Associate Dean or Head of Department) for the responsibilities and duties outlined below.