Accredited Work-based Learning

This section outlines the role of Work-Based Learning (WBL) in the context of the Flexible Credit Framework. The Quality Assurance Agency sets out the principles of good practice in work based learning (QAA  2018 ) .

Work-based learning: This involves learning through work, learning for work and/or learning at work. It consists of authentic structured opportunities for learning which are achieved in a workplace setting or are designed to meet an identified workplace need (QAA 2018:1)

In the context of the Flexible Credit Framework it is defined as:

  • study undertaken by learners in paid/voluntary employment who wish to link theory to practice though studies negotiated between themselves, their employer and the University and where the focus for both content and assessment is on their employment context.

The academic ‘content’ is to some extent learner/employer driven, derived from the needs of the learner and the workplace but also reflecting the discipline at the centre of the learner’s studies. Assessment is normally based around projects that meet the needs of the employer as well as the learner and the University.

Work-Based Learning and Higher and Degree Apprenticeships

The QAA UK Quality Code for Higher Education: Advice and Guidance Work-based learning (2018) is relevant to all higher education apprenticeships and stresses that ‘the primary relationship between the student and education organisation flows from the employment situation with the course of study directly linked to the apprentice’s work’ (p7). The guidance includes expectations and practices, guiding principles and practical advice with examples relevant to degree apprenticeships which may include negotiated work-based learning short courses.

Negotiation and agreement of anticipated learning for Work-Based Learning short courses

Work-Based Learning for individuals

An initial documented meeting between student and tutor should take place to establish the role that WBL may take in the student’s study programme, The discussion should include clarification of the learning opportunities and academic support on offer to the student concerned.

Work-Based Learning for cohorts

Where work-based learning is used to facilitate activity by cohorts from a single employer, the negotiation discussed above can be conducted from both the individual and the employer perspective to meet the requirements of both.

Work-Based Learning  Short Courses

A series of shell work-based learning short courses from levels 4-7 are available as a central resource. WBL short courses are available for 15, 30 or 60 credits and refer to the SEEC Level Descriptors 2021.

Work based learning module assessment will be coursework based.

In addition to first marking and moderation submitted work, at level 5 and above is externally examined by the appropriate External Examiner before confirmation of the short course credits through the CATS/Programme Board.

Work-Based Learning: UH general principles

  • Students must have workplace access before being considered for a WBL based programme or short course.
  • WBL work is graded.
  • The WBL short courses are facilitated by a tutor from the school concerned.
  • Normal University module assessment timescales should guide the length of time a student has available to complete the WBL short course concerned.
  • Enrolment onto short courses is done online, with short course fees directed to the School concerned.