The University’s Graduate Attributes are an expression of the shared outcomes of the student experience here at Hertfordshire. Whatever your background, wherever you are from, higher education can be a transformational experience and we are committed to having a positive transformational impact on every member of our university community. The aim of the Attributes is to connect our students and graduates to each other, and to the strategy of the University. Our 2020-2025 strategy challenges us to develop graduates who are capable and professional, building on the engagement of employers and professional bodies who contribute to the development of our curriculum. We will encourage students to be creative and enterprising, build their social and global awareness, and we will be compassionate and inclusive, supporting students in their learning and their living.
As part of this strategy, our Graduate Attributes have recently been reviewed, with the research base for their development re-examined and a student consultation at the heart of their confirmation. The goal of the work has been to ensure our Graduate Attributes are better aligned to the University Strategic Plan, to place a greater emphasis on digital learning and working, to focus on social/societal/environmental impact and responsibility. The work has been undertaken alongside the development of our Herts Learning principles which are shaping our approach to curriculum design. By experiencing Herts Learning, the way in which we will engage students in teaching, learning and assessment activities will foster their Graduate Attributes inside the curriculum. Our Graduate Attributes are mapped to modules at a programme level, with clear identification of where these are developed within the curriculum. Students can also use the experiences they have outside the programme to develop their Graduate Attributes.
Our new Graduate Attributes, introduced from September 2022 are expressed in language meaningful to both students and employers, and allow graduates to articulate in a very active voice the transferable skills that they have developed in addition to their subject expertise and proficiency.
We asked our students to define what they felt the Graduate Attributes mean to them, to describe them in their own words.
Professionally focused
To be professionally focused is to have a formal and consistently high standard in both how I work and behave. I should be able to conduct myself in a manner that is appropriate for the different environments I find myself in.
An individual who is driven to develop their employability and professional skills such as leadership or communication skills like extracurricular activities like student rep. Also, a person who builds on their knowledge and skills specific to their chosen profession like a work placement.
Professional emphasis is concerned with an individual's growth as a result of their own abilities, knowledge, and goals. This attribute's development method is critical because it entails more than just improving your character and research abilities. Professional development with a broader focus is when a person takes steps to progress on 'adding value' to what they already know and the abilities they already have.
Globally minded
I am a student who is going to graduate and step forward in a fast-paced world that is not limited to my country or to the UK. I am going to step out in a global workplace that is connected to everywhere.
Someone who respects differences like socioeconomic, background, culture and diversity and is open-minded.
The diversity of cultures, religion, disabilities, and genders are now common locally and across the globe. Being globally minded takes a diverse and open-minded approach to everything you do i.e., buying locally to reduce carbon footprints which benefits everyone.
Being globally minded in the context I live in is being aware of global issues that affect my immediate society, my knowledge of it, the role I play as little as it might be to effect a positive change to global issues. For example, wearing facemask and getting my vaccine in the midst of the pandemic where it has been made necessary which keeps me safe, my immediate environment and the world at large.
Sustainability driven
Being sustainability driven means being able to meet my personal needs but not at the expense of the future generations, my environment or the world at large. This means consciously aiming to improve people, society, economy and the environment as well.
Being sustainability-driven is taking into consideration the social and environmental issues that affect a decision, company, product, or service.
Sustainability driven could mean having a focused mindset on continuity. It could also mean mastery the ability to keep at something, i.e. being able to continue at something without compromise over a period of time.
The development of new marketplaces, products and services, or methods results from social, environmental, or sustainability concerns. Sustainability enhances the quality of our lives by protecting our ecosystem and conserving natural resources for future generations. In the business world, sustainability is connected with a company's comprehensive approach, which considers everything from manufacturing to logistics to customer service. Going green and sustainable is not only suitable for the company; also it significantly increases the long-term advantages of an environmental focus.
Digitally capable and confident
I think that this means being able to navigate the online and digital nature of our current times in a way that proves effective and accurate
Being aware of current digital devices and how to use them effectively. How to use software applications and sharing information from there to colleagues and peers
People's lives, interactions, studies, and jobs are all affected by digitization. This is why it is critical to continue to improve digital skills throughout one's life. Digital technology availability and utilisation can aid networking, learning new skills, and gaining access to opportunities.
Being digitally capable and confident means adjusting to the dynamics of technology as a professional and ensuring to stay updated on basic IT skills and expertise. This also means having a positive attitude towards the change that technology brings.
Inclusive and collaborative
This means that I am respectful of any difference that I might find amongst my peers. I work hard to respect these differences and not give to any bias. I am willing to collaborate to make projects happen, in spite of differences. Together, I value the team more than myself.
Embracing every individual as one, irrespective of differences in race, ethnic group, religion, gender or age. This also means letting go of conscious or unconscious bias or stereotypes that have been ingrained in society and are harmful to certain individuals.
People coming together the same good cause and working together to get their ideas out there to the world, spreading awareness of issues and working as an effective team to reach their goals and accomplish what they set out to do, and not ostracise anyone for that. No-one should be left out of a group because they are different whether physically or mentally, our differences make us who we are as a people and there should be ostracising, or shame, or shunning, or hatefulness, or bullying of any kind if you want to work together as a team. Everyone deserves equal opportunity and chances to be involved in a team project, and there should not be marginalization or exclusion.
Evidence-based and ethical
Every statement that I make is based on a fact that I have come across or experienced. This gives more weight to my words and makes my colleagues take me seriously. If an opposing statement is made that challenges my own statement, I respect that difference in opinion and accept that both opinions can exist together.
Following resources which have been reviewed and checked for credibility, and ensuring that actions are following ethical guidance, for example, which do not cause harm, and individuals are fully informed of what they are being involved in and also have the right to leave if they want to.
Teaches individuals to have critical thinking on their work and on their decisions based on research on certain topics. Meaning to explain why they have made the decisions they made in certain projects. By ethical means that very professional should guide themselves by what the law constitutes and what is ethically correct.