Herts Learning

Herts Learning principles offer a curriculum framework within which to consider the complex task of programme design.  The principles were created with our whole community and offer a basis for evolving learning, teaching and assessment approaches in a way which reinforces our commitment to community, engagement, and inclusion.

Over a period of six months, we embarked on an engagement-led approach to the development of the principles that reflected our renewed approach to education, and which could transform the student experience. Our Herts Learning principles will be implemented in all academic programmes by September 2025 through an accelerated, re-designed approach to programme review and validation that brings the principles to the front and centre of the development process, engaging academic and professional teams as well as students throughout.

This engagement-led approach resulted in a reflective toolkit (requires UH login) based around the principles and facilitates a pragmatic and collaborative approach to curriculum review and design. The toolkit and principles are now threaded through the routine processes of validation, periodic review, and continuous enhancement.

If you have any questions or need support, talk to the Herts Learning team, or explore the Herts Hub resources for more useful information (requires UH login).