Canvas Assignments

Online assessment can be set up in your module sites using the Canvas assignment functionality. We use SpeedGrader to mark online. SpeedGrader makes it easy to evaluate individual student assignments and group assignments quickly.

The university has also built in Marker Allocation functionality. Marker allocation is an optional tool. It is usually used by large marking teams, or if markers are required to mark particular students’ work anonymously.

Work that has been marked online, can also be internally moderated online, using the moderation tool. Online moderation should be completed after all marking has been completed. Any member of staff registered onto the module can act as the moderator. Both Marker Allocation and Moderation tool need VPN (links to external site) to be switched on.

Setting up assignments

This section will show how to create an assignment portal, adding it to an assignment group and setting assignment start and finish times

Assignment groups and weighting

This section will show how to set up assignment groups, assignment weightings (with examples) and tackle frequently asked questions

Assignment marking and moderation

This section will show how to using the marker allocation tool, SpeedGrader, marking offline and the moderation tool

Assignment feedback and rubrics

This section will show how how to provide feedback including, annotate assignments via SpeedGrader, use rubrics, record video feedback and use the comment library

Referrals and deferrals

This section will show how to set up and mark referral and deferral assignments, including how to set up referrals for "best-of" scenarios


This section will show how to use the Gradebook including importing grades via a spreadsheet and communicating with students and exporting grades to Student Record Administrators

Software Licences

Assignments in Canvas and Turnitin have institutional licences. Marker Allocation and Online Moderation were built in house.


Canvas: Ensuring an accessible and pleasant experience for all users, regardless of disability, is a key element of Canvas software. The Canvas platform was built using the most modern HTML and CSS technologies and is committed to W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative and Section 508 (opens external site) guidelines. Canvas accessibility standards (opens external site).

Turnitin: Their accessibility program aims to incorporate accessibility into the entire product development lifecycle to ensure that our website and applications are accessible and usable by everyone regardless of disability or circumstance. Turnitin Commitment to Accessibility (opens external site).

Training and Support