
Canvas is the University’s learning management system and a cornerstone of our wider learning environment. Branded as “StudyNet”, it integrates with our administration systems as well as the various learning technologies we use including Panopto, Talis and Turnitin. Ultimately it provides an online interface through which students can access module learning materials, communicate with staff and fellow students, submit assignments, receive feedback and much more. At Herts we have adopted a Guided Learner Journey approach to module design which includes the use of Canvas in order to support a positive student experience.

Getting Started with Canvas 

This section covers setting up accounts and notification preferences, adding pages and units and how to rename and structure resources on a page.

Canvas communication

This section covers how to make announcements within modules in Canvas and how to use the Canvas inbox. It also explains how to create a discussion.

Canvas Analytics

This section covers how to use the new Canvas analytics including how to access this feature, when you would use it and how often data is updated.

Canvas Assignments

This section covers how to set up assignments including assignment groups and waiting. It explores marking and moderation, providing feedback including using SpeedGrader and using rubrics. It also covers referrals and deferrals and gradebook.

Canvas Quizzes

This section covers how to set up a Canvas quiz including creating questions. It also explores using LockDown Browser.

Canvas Groups

This section covers how to create group sets and set up groups. It also covers how to assign students to a group manually and using csv.

Module Planner

This section explains how to access the Module Planner, adding module leaders and other staff and changing your role on a module. It also shows how to give other staff edit rights and helping you to locate your module if necessary.

Training and Support