Student/Alumni Panel Members

Guidance and support for student/ alumni panel members is available from the Centre for Academic Quality Assurance team.  Engagement with the CAQA team is encouraged prior to the event. Below you can find links to guidance  on periodic review and on validation for student panellists.

Students on a validation and review panel should receive a fee of £105.12 to cover attendance at the validation or review event and reading and commenting on the document (expected to amount to around 9 hours work). The fee will remain the same whether the student is a current student or an alumna/us. The fee will be paid and the form processed by the relevant School.

Students are to be paid using the 'Casual Pay Claim Form' (aka the 'Casual Worker Pay Claim form').  Alumni are to be paid using the 'One-off taxable pay claim form for non-existing staff (professional and academic)' form.  Both are available on HertsHub.