Digital Assessment

The term ‘Digital Assessment’ can mean different things to different people. Some of us may think of a coursework assignment such as an essay being submitted via an e-assessment portal, while others may think of a computer-based test which is automatically marked and returned to students. But the term digital assessment also describes a wide range of methods and approaches that can include video presentations, digital posters, podcasts, e-portfolios and of course digital exams.

At Herts we provide a selection of tools to support both formative and summative forms of digital assessment and even though the digital mediums can vary, they can often be used to assess the same learning outcomes.  Because of this, digital assessment is an important consideration of our Herts Learning Principles, particularly in relation to offering opportunities for personalisation, and allowing students to express their ideas in a form that is more suited to them. At the same time, the flexibility that digital approaches can afford, also helps us to ensure that our assessment designs are both inclusive and digitally accessible.

A digital approach to assessment can also create opportunities for students to develop their digital skills. Being able to design digital content that communicates complex ideas, can not only support students throughout their time at University, but can also prepare them for their future places of work where digital skills are increasingly valued and sought after.

The links below provide practical guidance on the tools available at Herts to support all forms of digital assessments.