Boards of Examiners

The University has two types of Boards of Examiners, the Module Board of Examiners and the Programme Board of Examiners.

The Module Board of Examiners meets to confirm the grades for the modules offered on a programme. The membership of the Module Board includes a Chair and a Module External Examiner as well as the Module Leaders. The full list of responsibilities of Module Boards can be found in UPR AS14.

Grades are awarded in accordance with the  University Grade Descriptors, which have been developed in line with the QAA Frameworks  for Higher Education Qualifications of UK Degree -Awarding Bodies (2nd edition, 2024).

After the Module Board of Examiners has confirmed the grades these go to the Programme Board of Examiners.  The Programme Board decides on the continuation and progression of students on the programme and  it considers the achievement of students successfully completing the programme, which normally leads to the recommendation of an award to the Academic Board. The membership of the Programme  Board includes a Chair and the Programme External Examiner as well as the Programme Leader. The full list of responsibilities of Programme Boards can be found in UPR AS14.

To support the operation of Boards, there are Notes of Guidance available for Chairs and Clerks of Boards.

In considering the classification of Bachelor's awards, the Programme Board is guided by the Classification Descriptors set out in Annex D of the QAA Frameworks  for Higher Education Qualifications of UK Degree -Awarding Bodies (2nd edition, 2024).