Annual School Reports

Each School produces an annual report, which consist of a live 'rolling' Education and Student Experience action plan along with a report on items of good practice for dissemination and matters that the School wish to report to the Academic Standards and Audits Committee (ASAC) and/or the Education and Student Experience Committee (ESEC). The Annual School Report cycle for 2023/24 can be found below.

The action plan is considered by the School at each of its three School Academic Committees (SACs) of the year, and noted at the second and fifth meetings of ASAC and ESEC of the year. The School report on good practice and matters for ASAC/ESEC is considered at their first meetings of the year.

The University's regulations relating to Annual School reports can be found within the Academic Quality Policies and Regulations UPR AS17 Section C4.

The template for the School Education and Student Experience Action Plan, along with a template for reporting the associated good practice and matters for ASAC/ESEC can be accessed by University staff. All sections may be modified throughout the year as additional information becomes available. The templates can be found on the CAQA HertsHub site under the heading 'Annual School Reports to ASAC and ESEC':

Annual School report/action plan templates

Please get in contact with the CAQA team if an accessible version of the diagram below is needed.

23/24 Reporting Cycle