Annual Monitoring and Evaluation Reports (AMERs)

Most programmes offered by the University are monitored through the Continuous Enhancement Planning (CEP) process but there is some provision for which Annual Monitoring and Evaluation Reports (AMERs) are required. AMERs should be produced for subjects that are taught on different programmes but which don't have their own discrete programme, as well as for subjects taught as part of the Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme (CATS), for some collaborative provision programmes and for credit-rated short courses. This involves reviewing the performance of the subject or collaborative programme over the last academic year.

Undergraduate AMERs need to be submitted by December each year and all postgraduate AMERs by January. They need to be submitted to the Associate Dean (Academic Quality Assurance) within each School or a designated School Administrator.

Templates for these reports can be accessed by UH staff on the CAQA HertsHub site under the heading 'Annual Reports/CEP':

AMER templates

If you have any questions relating to the AMER process and templates, please do not hesitate to contact your Associate Dean of School (AQA), a member of the CAQA team, or Academic Services.