Approval process for additional intakes

It is possible to add an additional intake to a programme by following the process set out below. Please note that to give consistency semester B is referred to as the intake being added to a programme with an approved semester A intake but this could be semester C instead (or A where the approved intake is B or C).

Where it is the intention to open up the University’s undergraduate and taught masters programmes for semester B entry, the University needs to be satisfied of the following:

  • A second intake can be resourced in terms of both human and physical resources
  • There are no insurmountable academic or structural issues associated with a second intake
  • Any necessary academic or structural changes are approved and documented.

The quality of the student experience for those entering at semester B will need to be comparable with that of those entering at semester A.  This might include a consideration of the minimum size of the second cohort, but this would need to be balanced against the fact that both cohorts might join together for some parts of the programme.


The process of approval is managed by Schools, through their SACs. Due consideration needs to be given to the University’s Consumer Protection Law guidance to ensure there is compliance with the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) published advice to Higher Education Providers. The process, which should be completed and confirmed to Academic Services (Lisa Uttley) by the end of October, is as follows:

i. Deans of School (or nominee) prepare a statement describing the following:

  • The rationale for the introduction of an additional intake
  • The structure/delivery pattern of the programme for the second cohort
  • How it may link with the first cohort
  • What changes may be necessary in the learning and teaching strategies (to accommodate, for instance, teaching in Semester C)
  • The arrangements for providing student guidance and support (e.g. through the summer vacation period)
  • Any issues that are foreseen in the availability of/access to specialist learning resources.  (It would be reasonable to assume that the central LRC facilities are not an issue, and this refers only to local learning resources)
  • The plans to notify applicants of the change and the benefits associated with it.

ii. Deans of School are asked to identify, in an addendum to the above statement, the provision of any additional physical and human resources required to deliver the additional cohort.

iii. The complete statement should be submitted to:

  • ADC, for consideration and approval (typically by Chair’s action)
  • The School Academic Committee by an agreed date in order that it may be considered at a meeting of SAC before the end of October (the proposal should not be approved through Chair’s Action).

If SAC approves the proposal, then the following actions need to be taken:

  • An AQ3 form (and revised Programme Specification) should be completed and submitted to Academic Services to be processed in order that programme structures can be inputted onto the student record system and students can be admitted to the programme at the new entry point
  • The Vice-Chancellor (on behalf of Academic Board) will need to be notified of, and approve, any additional Boards of Examiners meetings that result (in accordance with UPR AS14, section C)
  • External Examiners will need to have their contracts amended to include the additional cohorts (and the Boards of Examiners meetings that result)
  • The School is required to write to applicants via the Admissions Tutor who will work with the Admissions Department within the Student Centre, to explain the change and the benefits of it.

If SAC does not approve the proposal, no further action is required.

The possibility of semester B intakes should be considered at all validations and periodic reviews.